Picking Up Team
Cocker Spaniel
Bob is an excellent working cocker and has proved himself to be a key member of the team. He joined the team during the 2021/2022 shooting season and has enjoyed his days out on our local shoots. He is a proven stud and we hope to use him on Teasel next year.
Cocker Spaniel
Teasel is the newest member if the team. She came from a local breeder and is the offspring of our stud dog Yanto. During the 2021/2022 shooting season Teasel has shown great skills at picking up and is working very well as part of our picking up team.
Echo is a member of our picking up team and is working well as part of the team. She has produced strong well configured puppies. She is from a long line of field trail champions.
India is our newest member of the team and is from Echo's January 2022 litter. She is from a long line of field trial champions, we have high hopes for her.
Cocker Spaniel
Yanto at 14 years old, retired in January 2022 after many years of picking up. He is now enjoying his time at home.